Baker, Augusta & Ellin Greene. 1977.
Art & Technique. NY: R.R. Bowker Company.
* The authors are experts in storytelling in libraries.
Bauer, Caroline Feller. 1993. Caroline Feller Bauer's New Handbook for Storytellers. Chicago: American Library Association.
Bauman, Richard. 1992. Folklore, Cultural Performances, and Popular Entertainments: A Communications- Centered Handbook. NY: Oxford University Press.
Benjamin, Walter. 1968. "The Storyteller: Reflections on the Works of Nikolai Leskov." In Illuminations, edited by Hannah Arendt, 83-109. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich.
Birch, Carol & Melissa Heckler. 1996.
Says?: Essays on Pivotal Issues in Contemporary Storytelling.
Rock: August House.
* Ten essays. A founding text of the discipline,
Breneman, Lucille N. & Bren Breneman. 1983. Once Upon a Time: A Storytelling Handbook. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers.
Bruchac, Joseph. 1997. Tell Me A Tale: A Book About
NY: Harcourt Brace.
* JB divides storytelling into four parts: listening, observing,
remembering, and sharing. A chapter is dedicated to each part;
stories from around the world are included. This semi-autobiographical,
how-to book is aimed at young storytellers and uses a conversational
Cassady, Marsh. 1990. Storytelling Step by Step. San Jose: Resource Publications.
Cassady, Marsh. 1994. The Art of Storytelling: Creative Ideas for Preparation and Performance. Meriwether Publications.
Chekhov, Michael. 1953. To the Actor: On the Technology
of Acting. New York: Harper & Row.
* Includes valuable exercises for developing the imagination
and working with images.
Crannell, Kenneth. 1987. Voice and Articulation.
CA: Wadsworth.
* Instruction in developing breathing, voice, and diction.
Dailey, Sheila. 1994. Putting the World in a Nutshell:
Art of the Formula Tale. NY: H.W. Wilson.
* On the structure and delivery of formula tales, including the
chain, the cumulative, the circle, the endless, the catch, the
the question, "air castles," and "good/bad." SD includes hints
learning formula tales, with sample stories.
Greene, Ellin & George Shannon. 1986. Storytelling: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland.
Haggarty, Ben. 1995. "Seek Out The Voice of The
Unpublished article developed from a talk entitled, "The Revival of
In The Light of Two Traditions," given to The Folklore Society and The
Society for Storytelling, London, May 6, 1995.
* Calls for the establishment of a vocabulary for the critiquing
and teaching of storytelling.
Hayes, Joe. 1996. Here Comes the Storyteller. TX:
Cinco Puntos Press.
* Includes nine traditional tales from the American
JH takes a concrete, visual approach in this "photo-tutorial."
double page spread features b&w photographs of JH and his
audience members. The text of the tales is supplemented with
and suggestions in bold typeface (set in gray sidebars). Several
of the stories are bilingual (English/Spanish); tips for bilingual
are included.
Ives, Edward D. 1980. The Tape-Recorded Interview: A
for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History. Revised and
edition. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
Linkletter, Kristin. 1976. Freeing the Natural Voice.
NY: Drama Books.
* An easy-to-follow text on voice work. A classic for
Lipman, Doug. 1995. The Storytelling Coach: How to Listen, Praise, and Bring Out People's Best. Little Rock: August House.
Livo, Norma & Sandra Reitz. 1986.
Process and Practice. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
* A book on storytelling techniques and resources, with
materials about age-appropriate storytelling and working with
McDonald, Margaret Read. 1993. The Storyteller's
Book: Finding, Learning, Performing, and Using Folktales. Little
Rock: August House.
* A fine all-around introduction to the telling of
Includes 10 folktales and methods of telling them with audience
Moony, Bill & David Holt. 1996. The
Guide. Little Rock: August House.
* Storytellers share advice for the classroom, boardroom,
podium, pulpit, and stage. Each chapter is organized around a
How do I find the right stories? What makes a story strong?
How do I handle stage fright?, etc. The questions are followed by
answers from prominent American storytellers Connie Regan-Blake,
Ellis, Syd Lieberman, Bobby Norfolk, Jay O'Callahan, Gayle Ross, Jackie
Torrence, Diane Wolkstein, and others. Practical storytelling
such as copyright, fair use, ethics, audio recording, and censorship,
Niles, John D. 1999. Homo Narrans: The Poetics and Anthropology of Oral Literature. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press.
Pellowski, Anne. 1977. The World of Storytelling.
NY: R. R. Bowker Co.
* Tells of storytelling traditions around the world, including
the use of accompanying visuals, musical instruments, etc.
Randall, Frederika. 1984. "Why Scholars Become
New York Times Book Review,
January 29: I, 31.
Ross, Ramon Royal. 1980. Storyteller. Columbus: Merrill Publishing Co.
Sawyer, Ruth. 1942. The Way of the Storyteller.
Penguin Books.
* A classic exploration of storytelling as a folk art.
Schimmel, Nancy. 1992. Just Enough to Make a Story: A Sourcebook for Storytelling. Berkeley: Sister's Choice Press.
Schweder, Richard A. 1986. "Storytelling Among the Anthropologists." New York Times Book Review September 21: I, 38-9.
Shedlock, Marie L. 1951. The Art of the Storyteller. NY: Dover Publications.
Sierra, Judy. 1996. The Storyteller's Research Guide:
Myths, and Legends. Folkprint.
* Includes chapters on research basics, what makes a tellable
tale, tracking down tales, fieldwork, and copyright for storytellers.
Simms, Laura. 1996. "Summoning the Realm of Dream." Storytelling 9/96: 16-9.
Stotter, Ruth. 1997. About Story: Writings about Stories and Storytelling. Stinson Beach, CA: Stotter Press.
Webster, Stephen. 1983. "Ethnography as
Dialectical Anthropology 8: 185-206.
Storytelling with and for Children: Practical Guides
Baltuck, Naomi. 1993. Crazy Jibberish and Other Story-Hour Stretches. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books.
Barton, Robert. 1986. Tell Me Another: Storytelling and Reading Aloud at Home, at School, and in the Community. Markham, Ontario: Pembroke Publishing.
Barton, Robert & David Booth. 1990. Stories In the Classroom: Storytelling, Reading Aloud, and Role Playing with Children. Portsmouth, NH: Heinnemann Educational Books.
Bauer, Caroline Feller. 1992. "Teaching Children to Tell Stories," in Read for the Fun of It: Active Programming with Books for Children, 126-65. NY: H. W. Wilson.
Blatt, Gloria T., editor. 1973. Once Upon a Folktale:
the Folktale Process with Children. NY: Teachers College Press.
* Ways of working with folktales in the classroom.
Bronner, Simon J. 1988. American Children's Folklore: A
Book of Rhymes, Games, Jokes, Stories, Secret Languages, Beliefs, and
Legends for Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, Counselors,
and All Adults Who Were Once Children. Little Rock: August House.
Caduto, Michael J. & Joseph Bruchac. 1988. Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children. Golden, CO: Fulcrum.
Caduto, Michael J. & Joseph Bruchac. 1991. Keepers of the Animals: Native American Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children. Golden, CO: Fulcrum.
Chapman, Jean. 1976. Tell Me Another Tale: Stories, Verses, Songs and Things to Do. Sydney: Hodder and Stoughton.
De Wit, Dorothy. 1979. Children's Faces Looking Up:
Building for the Storyteller. Chicago: American Library
* Suggested story groupings on many themes.
De Vos, Gail. 1991. Storytelling for Young Adults: Techniques and Treasury. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
DeMille, Richard. 1955. Put Your Mother on the
NY: Penguin Books.
* Children's imagination games. The introduction discusses
the importance of imagination in education.
Griffin, Barbara Budge. 1989. Student Storyfest: How to Organize a Storytelling Festival. Medford, OR: Barbara Budge Griffin (10 South Keeneway Drive, Medford, OR 97504).
Griffin, Barbara Budge. 1990. Storyteller's Journal: A Guidebook for Story Research and Learning. Medford, OR: Barbara Budge Griffin (10 South Keeneway Drive, Medford, OR 97504).
Griffin, Barbara Budge. 1990. Students as Storytellers:
The Long and Short of Learning a Story. Medford, OR: Barbara Budge
(10 South Keeneway Drive, Medford, OR 97504).
* Teaches storytelling skills: includes 18 activities for the
classroom (each with learning objectives).
Hamilton, Martha & Mitch Weiss. 1990.
Tell Stories: A Teaching Guide. Katonah, NY:
Richard C. Owen Publishers.
* Excellent advice on how to learn and tell stories.
Hamilton, Martha & Mitch Weiss. 1996.
in My Pocket: Tales Kids Can Tell. Golden, CO: Fulcrum.
* The first part of the book guides readers through the
process, from choosing a story to tell, to learning the story, to
telling. The remainder of the book is devoted to 30 (mostly
stories. Pages are divided into two columns: the text of the
is on the left, with emphasized words in bold; the right hand column
the would-be teller with suggestions for verbal presentation and
Harrison, Annette. 1993. Easy-To-Tell Stories for Young Children. Jonesborough, TN: National Storytelling Press.
Herman, Gail N. 1986. Storytelling: A Triad in the
Mansfield Center, CT: Creative Learning Press.
* Instructs students in techniques that blend storytelling with
other art forms such as music, movement, and mime.
Hopson, Darlene Powell. 1996. Juba This and Juba That: 100 African-American Games for Children. Columbus, OH: Fireside.
Iarusso, Marilyn. 1990. Stories: A List of Stories to Tell and Read Aloud. NY: New York Public Library.
Irving, Jan & Robin Currie. 1993. Straw Into Gold: Books and Activities About Folktales. Englewood, CO: Teacher Ideas Press.
Johnson, Ferne, editor. 1976. Start Early for an Early Start: You and the Young Child. Chicago: American Library Association.
Lipman, Doug. 1995. Storytelling Games: Creative Activities for Language, Communication, and Composition across the Curriculum. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
Livo, Norma, editor. 1988. Joining In: An Anthology of
Participation Stories and How to Tell Them. Cambridge, MA: Yellow
Moon Press.
* Compiled by Teresa Miller. Introduction by Laura
Contributors: Carol Birch, Heather Forest, Linda Goss, Bill Harley,
Herman, Ruthilde Kronberg, Kaye Lindauer, Doug Lipman, Norma Livo,
Miller, Anne Pellowski, John Porcino, Barbara Reed, George Shannon,
Simms, Fran Stallings, Ruth Stotter, and Diane Wolkstein.
Livo, Norma & Sandra Reitz. 1987. Storytelling Activities. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1982. The Storyteller's Sourcebook: A Subject, Title, and Motif-Index to Folklore Collections for Children. Detroit: Neal-Schuman / Gale Research.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1990. The Skit Book: 101 Skits
from Kids. North Haven, CT: Linnet Books /
The Shoe String Press.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1994. A Parent's Guide to
NY: HarperCollins Publishers.
* Includes easy-to-tell stories.
Maguire, Jack. 1985. Creative Storytelling: Choosing,
and Sharing Tales for Children, NY: McGraw-Hill.
* Encouraging and inspiring to the beginner and the experienced
storytelling teacher or parent.
Mallet, Jerry J. & Timothy S. Ervin. 1992. Sound and Action Stories. Ft. Atkinson, WI: Alleyside Press.
Moore, Robin. 1991. Awakening the Hidden Storyteller:
to Build a Storytelling Tradition in Your Family. Boston:
* Creative visualization and inner journeys in search of one's
guardian animal. Exercises to be shared by the entire family.
National Storytelling Association. 1994. Tales as Tools: The Power of Story in the Classroom. Jonesborough, TN: National Storytelling Press.
Pellowski, Anne. 1987. The Family Storytelling Handbook. NY: Macmillan.
Pellowski, Anne. 1995. The Storytelling Handbook: A Young People's Collection of Unusual Tales and Helpful Hints on How to Tell Them. NY: Simon & Schuster.
Sierra, Judy & Robert Kaminski. 1989. Twice Upon a Time: Stories to Tell, Retell, Act Out, and Write About. NY: H. W. Wilson.
Sierra, Judy. 1996. Nursery Tales Around the
Clarion Books.
* A fine source for traditional tales to tell to young children
(preschoolers through primary graders). Six chapters include
cultural variations on a theme.
Simmons, Elizabeth Radin. 1990. Student Worlds, Student
Words: Teaching Writing Through Folklore. Portsmouth, NH:
Educational Books.
* For teaching junior and senior high school students.
Tashjian, Virginia. 1995. Juba This and Juba That: Story
Hour Stretches for Large and Small Groups.
2nd edition. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
* Physical and oral audience participation.
Tashjian, Virginia. 1974. With a Deep Sea Smile: Story
Stretches for Large and Small Groups. Boston: Little, Brown and
* More physical and oral audience participation.
Wilson, Evie. 1993. "Storytelling Teenage Folklore," in
Hanging Out at Rocky Creek: Developing Basic Services for Young Adults
in Public Libraries. Metuchun, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
* Useful tips on using urban legends with teens.
Developing Original Stories: Practical Guides
Arthur, Stephen & Julia Arthur. 1986. Your Life and Times: How to Put a Life Story on Tape. Heritage Tree Press.
Brecher, Jeremy. 1986. History From Below: How to Uncover and Tell the Story of Your Community, Association, or Union. New Haven, CT: Advocate Press.
Brett, Doris. 1986. Annie Stories: A Special Kind of
NY: Workman Publishing Co.
* Enabling children to explore situations in an engaging,
way through the experiences of an imaginary boy or girl. Written
by a clinical psychologist.
Cassady, Marsh. 1991. Creating Stories for Storytelling. San Jose: Resource Publications.
Collins, Chase. 1992. Tell Me a Story: Creating Bedtime
Tales Your Children Will Dream On. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
* Stimulating the imagination to create your own bedtime stories.
Davis, Donald. 1996. Telling Your Own Stories.
Rock: August House.
* A resource for discovering and creating your own stories.
Feinstein, David & Stanley Krippner. 1988. Personal Mythology: Using Ritual, Dreams, and Imagination to Discover Your Inner Story. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher.
Goldberg, Natalie. 1986. Writing Down the Bones.
Shambhala Publications.
* Zen and the art of creativity in composing, writing, and
Keen, Sam & Anne Valley-Fox. Your Mythic Journey: Finding Meaning in Your Life Through Writing and Storytelling. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher.
Lichtman, Allan J. 1978. Your Family History: How to Use Oral History, Personal Family Archives, and Public Documents to Discover Your Heritage. NY: Random House.
Moore, Robin. 1991. Awakening the Hidden Storyteller: How to Build a Storytelling Tradition in Your Family. Boston: Shambhala Publications.
Ross, Ramon Royal. 1980. "The Experience Story," in
55-71. Columbus: Merrill Publishing Co.
* Advice on how to tell stories about experiences.
Weitzman, David. 1975. My Backyard History Book.
Little, Brown.
* Collecting oral history.
Zeitlin, Steven. 1982. A Celebration of American Family
Folklore: Tales and Traditions from the Smithsonian Collection.
York: Pantheon Books. (To be reprinted by Yellow Moon
* Includes a section about collecting your own family stories.
Zipes, Jack. 1995. Creative Storytelling: Building
Changing Lives. New York: Routledge.
Storytelling and Education: Scholarship
Cooper, Pamela J. & Rives Collins. 1992. Look What Happened to Frog: Storytelling in Education. Scottsdale, AZ: Gorsuch Scarisbrick Publishers.
Dyson, Anne Haas & Celia Genishi. 1994. The Need for Story: Cultural Diversity in Classroom and Community. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Egan, Kieran. 1986. Teaching As Storytelling: An Alternative Approach to Teaching and Curriculum in the Elementary School. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Farrell, Catharine Horne & Denise D. Nessel. 1982. Word Weaving: Effects of Storytelling: An Ancient Art for Modern Classrooms. Zellerbach Family Fund.
Farrell, Catherine Horne. 1991. Storytelling: A Guide for Teachers. NY: Scholastic.
Gillard, Marni. 1996. Storyteller, Storyteacher: Discovering the Power of Storytelling for Teaching and Living. York, ME: Stenhouse.
Mason, Harriet & Harry Watson. 1991. Every One a Storyteller: Integrating Storytelling into the Curriculum. Portland, OR: Lariat Productions.
Narayan, Kirin. 1991. "'According to Their Feelings': Teaching and Healing with Stories," in The Lives Stories Tell: Narrative and Dialogue in Education. Edited by Carol Witherell & Nell Noddings, 113-35. NY: Teachers College Press.
Rosen, Betty. 1988. And None of It Was Nonsense: The
of Storytelling in School. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational
* The author, a British teacher, describes her use of story with
12-16 year-old boys in a multi-cultural, inner-city school in
England. She tells and elicits traditional and imaginative story
from her students.
Storytelling and Psychology (Healing): Scholarship
Adler, Herbert. 1994. The Psychotherapeutic Use of Personal Experience Narratives. Dissertation, U. of Pennsylvania.
Axline, Virginia M. 1982 (1947). Play Therapy. NY: Ballantine Books.
Barker, Philip. 1985. Using Metaphors in Psychotherapy. NY: Brunner/Magel.
Bateson, Gregory. 1955. "A Theory of Play and Fantasy." Psychiatric Research Reports 2: 39-51. Reprinted in Steps to an Ecology of Mind. NY: Ballantine.
Bettleheim, Bruno. 1976. The Uses of Enchantment: The
and Importance of Fairy Tales.
NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
* A psychologist explains how fairytales provide a structured
moral universe.
Bly, Robert. 1990. Iron John. NY: Vintage Books.
* Uses a folktale to illustrate male psychological development.
Brun, Birgitte & Ernst W. Pedersen &
Marianne Runberg. 1993. Symbols of the Soul: Therapy and
Through Fairy Tales. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
* This book looks at the ability of fairy tales to draw clients
into a secure space in which they can explore their own feelings and
through the story form.
Bruner, Jerome. 1986. "Two Modes of Thought," in Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, 11-43. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Cattanach, Ann. 1994. Play Therapy: Where the Sky Meets the Underworld. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Cattanach, Ann. 1997. Children's Stories in Play
London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
* For therapists working with children, one of the main obstacles
to effective treatment is the difficulty
of finding an appropriate means of communication; both in terms of
the child's expression of thoughts
and feelings and in terms of their understanding of what the therapist
is trying to convey to them.
Stories have traditionally been used as a method of communicating ideas
to children yet stories can equally be used by children to reveal their
internal life and emotions, and contain their experiences.
Based on her extensive experience as a play therapist, Ann Cattanach
here explores the therapeutic value of story-making with
Incorporating stories from children and by other authors, the book
the common themes and metaphors that emerge, the purpose of stories,
the communication that they can engender between the therapist and the
child. Case studies and specific examples are used to show how
stories are created and developed, and how an equal relationship
narrator and listener which facilitates the unfolding of the child's
can help gain the child's trust, thus creating an environment that is
to the therapeutic process.
Cossa, Mario & Sally S. Fleischmann. 1996. Acting Out : The Workbook : A Guide to the Development and Presentation of Issue-Oriented, Audience-Interactive, Improvisational Theatre. Accelerated Development Press.
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola. 1992. Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories about the Wild Woman Archetype. NY: Ballantine Books.
Fellner, Carl. 1976. "The Use of Teaching Stories in
Family Therapy." Family Process
15: 427-31.
Fox, Jonathan. 1988. The Essential Moreno : Writings on Psychodrama, Group Method, and Spontaneity. Springer Publishing Company.
Fromm, Erich. 1951. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to the Understanding of Dreams, Fairy Tales, and Myths. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Gardner, Howard. 1983. Frames of Mind: The Theory of
Intelligences. NY: Basic Books.
* Discusses the different tracks through which people
Gardner, Richard. 1971. Therapeutic Communication with Children: The Mutual Storytelling Technique. NY: Jason Aronson.
Grainger, Roger. 1990. Drama and Healing: The Roots of Drama Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Gersie, Alida. 1992. Storymaking in Bereavement: Dragons Fight in the Meadow. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Gersie, Alida. 1997. Reflections on Therapeutic
The Use of Stories in Groups. London: Jessica Kingsley
* Extending her earlier work on the use of stories to bring about
healing change, Alida Gersie's new book develops both the theory and
of storymaking with a focus on group settings. Using examples
her work in many different countries, AG reflects on the dynamics of
storytelling process and explores the experiences and attitudes most
brought to story work. She looks at the impact of race and class
on both group leader and members of the group, and clarifies how these
affect the group's functioning. She explores, amongst other
the various types of narrative and their uses, mutuality and
the need to promote systematically the clients' tolerance for the
of emotional range, and the empowerment that can result from the group
storytelling process.
Gersie, Alida & Nancy King. 1990. Storymaking in Education and Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Hoffman, John C. 1986. Law, Freedom, and Story: The Role of Narrative in Therapy, Society, and Faith. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press.
Holub, Robert C. 1984. Reception Theory: A Critical Introduction. London and NY: Methuen.
Howard, George S. 1991. "Culture Tales: A Narrative
to Thinking, Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Psychotherapy," in American
Psychologist, 3/91, Vol. 46, No. 3, 187-197.
* The article argues that science and rationalism are also
Heuschler, Julius. 1974. A Psychiatric Study of Myths and Fairy Tales: Their Origin, Meaning and Usefulness. Illinois: Charles C. Thomas.
Jennings, Sue & ‰se Minde. 1993. Art
Therapy and Drama Therapy: Masks of the Soul. London: Jessica
* Explores the relationship between art therapy and drama
which share many principles and practices, but have been taught and
separately. Reviews the theoretical backgrounds, histories, and
of the two fields.
Kakar, Sudhir. 1978. "Setting the Stage: The Traditional Hindu View and the Psychology of Erik H. Erikson." In Identity and Adulthood, edited by Sudhir Kakar, 3-12. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Kakar, Sudhir. 1982. Shamans, Mystics, and Doctors: A Psychoanalytic Enquiry into India and Its Healing Traditions. NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
Kellermann, Peter Felix. 1992. Focus on Psychodrama: The Therapeutic Aspects of Psychodrama. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Kotre, John. 1995. White Gloves: How We Create Ourselves Through Memory. NY: Free Press.
Kurtz, Ernest. 1992. The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Journey to Wholeness. NY: Bantam.
Landy, Robert J. 1993. Persona and Performance : The Meaning of Role in Drama, Therapy, and Everyday Life. NY: Guilford Press.
Landy, Robert J. 1994. Drama Therapy : Concepts, Theories and Practices. Charles C. Thomas Publishers.
Luthi, Max. 1970. Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of
Tales. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
* Psychological aspects of fairy tales.
Mair, Millar. 1988. "Psychology As Storytelling,"
Journal of Personal Construct Psychology, 1: 125-137.
* Beautiful appreciation of the meaning and value of story.
Pearson, Jenny, editor. 1996. Discovering the Self Through Drama and Movement. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Pickering, Kenneth. 1997. Drama Improvised: A Source Book for Teachers and Therapists. NY and London: Routledge.
Rosen, Sidney. 1982. My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales of Milton Erickson. NY: W. W. Norton.
Sarbin, Theodore, editor. 1986. Narrative Psychology: The Storied Nature of Human Conduct. NY: Praeger.
Von Franz, Marie-Louise. 1996 (re-issue). The
of Fairy Tales. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications.
F) Storytelling and Theology: Scholarship
Brown, Robert McAfee. 1974. "Story and Theology," in Philosophy, Religion, and and Theology, edited by James W. McClendon, 55-72. Missoula, Montana: Scholar's Press.
Crites, Stephen D. 1967. "Myth, Story, History," in Seminar on Parable, Myth, and Language, 66-73. Cambridge, MA: The Church Society for College Work.
Crosson, John Dominic. 1975. The Dark Interval: Towards a Theology of Story. Niles, IL: Argus Communications.
Durkheim, Emile. 1965. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Translated by Joseph W. Swain. NY: The Free Press.
Estess, Ted. 1974. "The Inarrable Contraption: Reflections on the Metaphor of Story." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 42: 415-35.
Fackre, Gabriel. 1983. "Narrative Theology: An Overview." Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 37: 340-52.
Goldberg, Michael. 1982. Theology and Narrative: A Critical Introduction. Nashville: Abingdon.
Hauerwas, Stanley. 1983. "Casuistry as a Narrative Art." Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 37: 377-88.
Hauerwas, Stanley & David Burrell. 1983. "From System to Story: An Alternative Pattern for Rationality in Ethics," in Truthfulness and Tragedy, 15-39. Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press.
Kissinger, Warren. 1979. The Parables of Jesus: A History of Interpretation and Bibliography. NY: Garland.
Licht, Jacob. 1978. Storytelling in the Bible.
The Magnes Press, Hebrew University.
* An analysis of the story-writing techniques of the Bible's
Lischer, Richard. 1984. "The Limits of Story." Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 38: 26-38.
Pocock, David F. 1985. "Art and Theology in the Bhagavata Purana." Contributions to Indian Sociology 19: 9-39.
Robbins, J. Wesley. 1980. "Narrative, Morality and Religion." Journal of Religious Ethics 8: 161-76.
Rosenberg, Bruce A. 1970. The Art of the American Folk Preacher. NY: Oxford University Press.
Tilley, Terence W. 1985. Story Theology. Wilmington, Delaware: M. Glazier
White, William R. 1986. Stories for Telling: A Treasury
for Christian Storytellers. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress
* A selection of tales and a chapter on "Storytelling in the
Wiggins, James B., editor. Religion as Story. NY: Harper and Row.
Williams, Michael E. 1991-2. The Storyteller's Companion
to the Bible. (Vol. 1: Genesis. Vol. 2:
Nashville: Abingdon Press.
* Selected stories from the Revised English Bible, with
and sample retellings.
Ethnographic Studies: Scholarship
Abrahams, Roger D. 1964. Deep Down in the Jungle: Negro Narrative from the Streets of Philadelphia. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates.
Abrahams, Roger D. 1983. The Man-Of-Words in the West
Performance and Emergence of Creole Culture. Baltimore: Johns
University Press.
* A study of the 'sweet' and 'rude' talkers of the West Indies,
and of the various types of events at which they perform.
Abrahams, Roger D. 1992. Singing the Master: The Emergence of African-American Culture in the Plantation South. NY: Pantheon Books. Paperback edition: Penguin, 1993.
Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1986. Veiled Sentiments: Honor and
in a Bedouin Society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
* A study of a genre of oral lyric poetry through which women
and young men in an Egyptian community express personal feelings that
their moral code.
Alexiou, Margaret. 1974. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Anyidoho, Kofi. 1983. "Oral Poetics, and Traditions of Verbal Art in Africa." Dissertation. University of Texas, Austin.
Appiah, Michael A. 1979. "Okyeame: An Integrative Model of Communication Behavior." Dissertation. University of New York at Buffalo.
Azadovskii, Mark. 1974 (1926). A Siberian Tale Teller. Translated by James Dow. Austin: University of Texas.
Azadovskij, Mark. 1975. "A Siberian Narrator." In The Study of Russian Folklore, F. Oinas and S. Soudakoff, eds., The Hague: Mouton, pp. 79-90.
Barber, Karin. 1991. I Could Speak Until Tomorrow: Oriki, Women, and the Past in a Yoruba Town. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Basgoz, Ilhan. 1986. "Digression in Oral Narrative: A Case Study of Individual Remarks by Turkish Romance Tellers." Journal of American Folklore 99: 5-23.
Basso, Keith H. 1983. "'Stalking with Stories': Names, Places, and Moral Narrative among the Western Apache," in Text, Play, and Story, edited by E. M. Bruner, 19-55. Washington, D.C.: American Ethnological Society.
Bauman, Richard. 1983. Let Your Words be Few: Symbolism of Speaking and Silence among Seventeenth Century Quakers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bauman, Richard & Joel Sherzer, editors. 1974. Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Behar, Ruth. 1993. Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza's Story. Boston: Beacon Press.
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1972. "Two Benin Storytellers," 103-114, in African Folklore, edited by Richard Dorson. NY: Anchor Books.
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1972. "The Elusive Audience of Benin Narrators." Journal of Folklore Institute 2: 177-84.
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1975. Sweet Words: Storytelling Events in Benin. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues.
Blackburn, Stuart. 1988. Singing of Birth and Death:
in Performance. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
* A study of Villupattu (bow-singing), a genre of professional
folk epic-chanting in Tamil Nadu, south India.
Bloch, Maurice, editor. 1975. Political Language and Oratory in Traditional Societies. NY: Academic Press.
Borland, Katherine. 1991. "'That's Not What I Said':
Conflict in Oral Narrative Research."
In Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History, edited by
S. B. Gluck and D. Patai, 63-76. London and New York: Rutledge.
Briggs, Charles L. 1989. Competence in Performance : The Creativity of Tradition in Mexicano Verbal Art. University of Pennsylvania Press Conduct and Communication Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Caraveli-Chaves, Anna. 1980. "Bridge Between Worlds: The Greek Woman's Lament as Communicative Event," Journal of American Folklore 93: 129-157.
Crooke, William. 1910. "Mendicants' Cries in North India." Indian Antiquary 39:346-50.
Damle, Y. B. 1955. "A Note on Harikatha." Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 17: 15-19.
Damle, Y. B. 1960. "Harikatha: A Study in Communication." Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 20: 63-107.
Degh, Linda. 1969. Folktales and Society: Storytelling in a Hungarian Peasant Community. Translated by Emily M. Schlossberger. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Degh, Linda. 1995. Narratives in Society: A Performer-Centered Study of Narration. Folklore Fellows Communications 255. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.
Duranti, Alessandro. 1983. "Samoan Speech-Making across Social Events: One Genre in and out of a Fono." Language in Society 12: 1-22.
Eliade, Mircea. 1970. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Bollington Series No. LXXVI. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Fabian, Johannes. 1977. "Lore and Doctrine: Some Observations on Storytelling in the Jamaa Movement in Shaba (Zaire)." Cahiers d'Etudes Africains 66-67 (17): 307-29.
Falassi, Alessandro. 1980. Folklore by the Fireside: Text and Context of the Tuscan Veglia. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Finnegan, Ruth. 1967. Limba Stories and Storytelling. London: Oxford University Press.
Finnegan, Ruth. 1970. Oral Literature in Africa. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Finnegan, Ruth & Margaret Orbell, eds. 1995. South Pacific Oral Traditions. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Fox, James. 1974. "Our Ancestors Spoke in Pairs: Rotinese Views of Language, Dialect and Code." In Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking, edited by R. Bauman & J. Sherzer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Galli, Silvano. 1983. "Storytelling among the Anyi Bona." In Cross Rhythms: Papers in African Folklore, edited by Kofi Anyidoho. Bloomington, Indiana: Trickster Press.
Geertz, Clifford. 1972. "Deep Play: Notes on the
Cockfight." Daedalus 101: 1-37. (Reprinted in The
of Cultures, 412-53. NY: Basic Books.)
* Many of the observations of noise and metacommunication around
the central event can also be applied to storytelling performances.
Glassie, Henry. 1982. Passing the Time in Ballymore: Culture and History in an Ulster Community. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Gold, Ann Grodzins. 1982. Village Families in Story and Song: An Approach through Women's Oral Tradition in Rajasthan. Indiakit Series, Outreach Educational Project, South Asia Language and Area Center, University of Chicago.
Gold, Ann Grodzins. 1993. A Carnival of Parting: The Tales of King Bharthari and King Gopi Chand as Sung and Told by Madhu Natisar Nath of Ghatiyali, Rajasthan. Berkeley: University of California press.
Gold, Ann Grodzins. 1995. "Mother's Ten Stories." In Religions of India in Practice, edited by Donald Lopez, 434-48. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Griaule, Marcel. 1965. Conversations with Ogotemmeli: An Introduction to Dogon Religious Ideas. London: Oxford University Press.
Gumperz, John J. 1964. "Religion and Social Communication in Village North India." In Religion in South Asia, edited by E. B. Harper, 89-97. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Honko, Lauri, and Vilmos Voigt, eds. 1980. Genre, Structure, and Reproduction in Oral Literature. Budapest: AkadÈmiai KiadÛ.
Honko, Lauri, and Vilmos Voigt, eds. 1981. Adaptation, Change, and Decline in Oral Literature. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
Jackson, Michael. 1982. Allegories of the Wilderness: Ethics and Ambiguity in Kuranko Narrative. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Jones-Jackson, Patricia. 1987. When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Kendall, Laurell. 1985. Shamans, Housewives, and Other Restless Spirits. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Larsen, Stephen. 1976. The Shaman's Doorway: Opening the Imagination to Power and Myth. NY: Harper and Row. (Republished in 1988. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press.)
Lewis, I. M. 1971. Ecstatic Religion. Batimore: Penguin Books.
Lutgendorf, Philip. 1987. "The Life of a Text: Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas in Performance." Dissertation. Department of South Asian Languages and Civilization, University of Chicago.
MacNeil, Joe Neil. 1987. Tales Until Dawn: The World of
a Cape Breton Gaelic Storyteller. Translated
and edited by John Shaw. Kingston, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec:
McGill-Queens University Press.
Mathias, Elizabeth & Richard Raspa. 1985. Italian Folktales in America: The Verbal Art of an Immigrant Woman. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Miller, Eric. 1991. Tamil Nadu's Silappathikaram (Epic
the Anklet): Ancient Story and Modern Identity. Self-published
Madras: Eric Miller.
* Travel journal and cultural analysis: the author walked 250
miles in the footsteps of Kannagi, the epic's heroine.
Mills, Margaret. 1990. Oral Narrative in Afghanistan. NY and London: Garland.
Mills, Margaret. 1991. Rhetoric and Politics in Afghan Traditional Storytelling. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Milman, Lawrence. 1977. Our Like Will Not Be There
Again. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co.
* Conversations with Irish storytellers.
Morrow, Phyllis & William Schneider, eds. 1995. When Our Words Return: Hearing and Remembering Oral Traditions of Alaska and the Yukon. Logan: Utah State University Press.
Narayan, Kirin. 1986. "Birds on a Branch: Girlfriends and Wedding Songs in Kangra." Ethos 14: 47-75.
Narayan, Kirin. 1989. Storytellers, Saints, and
Folk Narrative in Hindu Religious Teaching. Philadelphia:
of Pennsylvania Press.
* A study of a saddhu's use of storytelling.
Narayan, Kirin, in collaboration with Urmilla Devi Sood.
Mondays on the Dark Side of the Moon: Himalayan Foothill
NY and London: Oxford University Press.
* An ethnographer and an informant work together to record and
comment upon North Indian folktales.
Narayan, Kirin. 1997. "On Nose-Cutters, Gurus and Storytellers." In Creativity: Self and Society, edited by R. Rosaldo, S. Lavie, and K. Narayan. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Noss, Philip A. 1977. "The Performance of the Gbaya Tale." In Forms of Folklore in Africa: Narrative, Poetic, Gnomic, and Dramatic, edited by Bernth Lindfors, 135-143. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Paine, Robert, editor. 1981. Politically Speaking: Cross-Cultural Studies of Rhetoric. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues.
Parmar, Shyam. 1975. Traditional Folk Media in India. New Delhi: Gekha Books.
Pentikainen, Juha. 1978. Oral Repertoire and World View: An Anthropological Study of Marina Takalo's Life History. Folklore Fellows Communications 219. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.
Price, Richard. 1983. First Time: The Historical Vision of an Afro-American People. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Price, Richard & Sally Price. 1991. Two
Evenings in Saramaka. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Storytelling in the Suriname rain forest.
Quevedo, Raymond. 1983. Attila's Kaiso: A Short History of Trinidad Calypso. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: Superservice Printing Company.
Reynolds, Dwight. 1991. "The Interplay of Genres in Oral Epic Performance: Diferently marked Discourse in a Northern Egyptian Tradition." In The Ballad and Oral literature, Joseph Harris, ed., Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, pp 292-317.
Reynolds, Dwight. 1995. Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes: The Ethnography of Performance Composition and Performance in an Arabic Oral Epic Tradition. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Rooth, Anna B. 1976. The Importance of Storytelling: A Study Based on Field Work in Northern Alaska. Uppsala: University Stockholm Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Rosaldo, Michelle. 1973. "I Have Nothing to Hide: The Language of Illongot Oratory." Language in Society 2: 193-223.
Saah, Kofi. 1986. "Language Use and Attitudes in Ghana." Anthropological Linguistics 28: 367-77.
Scott, James. 1991. Domination and the Arts of Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Seemetakis, Nadia. 1991. The Last Word: Women, Death, and Divination in Inner Mani. Chicago: Univeristy of Chicago Press.
Seitel, Peter. 1980. So That We May See: Performance and Interpretations of Traditional Tales from Tanzania. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sherzer, Joel. 1974. "Namakke, Sumakke, Koirmakke: Three Types of Speech Event." In Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking, edited by R. Bauman & J. Sherzer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shostak, Marjorie. 1983. Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman. NY: Vintage Books.
Shuman, Amy. 1986. Storytelling Rights: The Uses of Oral and Written Texts by Urban Adolescents. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press.
Simms, Laura. 1996. "A Central Asian Epic-Chanter." Organica 6/96.
Simms, Norman, editor. 1987. Oral and Traditional Literatures. Hamilton, New Zealand: Outrigger Press.
Singer, Milton. 1972. When a Great Tradition Modernizes: An Anthropological Approach to Indian Civilization. London: Pall Mall Press.
Slyomovics, Susan. 1987. The Merchant of Art: An
Hilali Oral Epic Poet in Performance. Berkeley: University of
* Text of a performance, with commentary.
Sobol, Joseph Daniel. 1999. The Storytellers' Journey:
American Revival. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois
* About the modern USA revival of storytelling, focusing on the
role of the National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation
of Storytelling (NAPPS), later known as the National Storytelling
(NSA), based in Jonesborough, Tennessee, in the 1970s and 1980s.
Very beautifully done. Hopefully additional versions by various
will follow.
Srivastava, Saheb Lal. 1974. Folk Culture and Oral Tradition. New Delhi: Abhinav.
Stoller, Paul. 1987. In Sorcery's Shadow. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Stree, Shakti Sanghatna. 1989. We Were Making History: Life Stories of Women in the Telangana Armed Struggle. NY: Zed Books.
Swallow, D. A. 1982. "Ashes and Powers: Myth, Rite and Miracle in an Indian God-man's Cult." Modern Asian Studies 16: 128-58.
Tedlock, Dennis. 1972. Finding the Center: Narrative Poetry of the Zuni Indians. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
Tewari, Laxmi G. 1991. A Splendor of Worship: Women's Fasts, Rituals, Stories, and Art. New Delhi: Manohar.
Urban, Gregg. 1986. "Ceremonial Dialogues in South America." American Anthropology 8.2: 370-86.
Wadley, Susan Snow. 1978. "Texts in Contexts: Oral Traditions and the Study of Religion in Karimpur." In American Studies in the Anthropology of India, edited by Sylvia Vatuk, 309-41. New Delhi: Manohar.
Weiner, Annette. 1984. "From Words to Objects to Magic: Hard Words and the Boundaries of Social Interaction." In Dangerous Words: Language and Politics in the Pacific, edited by D. L. Brennis & F. Myers, 162-91. NY: New York University Press.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1983. "To Praise or Not to Praise the King: The Akan Apae in the Context of Referential Poetry." Research in African Literatures 14:3, 382-400.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1985. "The Making and Breaking of Kwame Nkrumah: The Role of Oral Poetry." Journal of African Studies 12:2, 86-92.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1995. Speaking for the Chief: Okyeame and the Politics of Akan Royal Oratory. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Zenani, Nongenile Masithathu. 1992. The World and the Word: Tales and Observations from the Xhosa Oral Tradition. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Zwettler, Michael. 1978. "Classical Arab Poetry: Between
Folk and Oral Tradition."
Journal of Asian and Oriental Studies 96: 198-212.
Zwettler, Michael. 1978. The Oral Tradition of Classical
Arab Poetry. Columbus: Ohio State University Press.
The Storytelling Event: Scholarship
Abrahams, Roger. 1968. "Introductory Remarks to a Rhetorical Theory of Folklore." Journal of American Folklore 81: 143-58.
Abrahams, Roger. 1986. "Ordinary and Extraordinary Experience." In The Anthropology of Experience, edited by V. Turner & E. Bruner, 44-72. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Arewa, Ojo E. & Alan Dundes. 1964. "Proverbs and the Ethnography of Speaking Folklore." American Anthropologist (special issue) 66: 70-85.
Bakhtin, M. M. 1981. The Dialogic Imagination. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bakhtin, M. M. 1986. "The Problem of Speech Genres." In Speech Genres and Other Essays. Translated by Vern McGee. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bauman, Richard, editor. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland.
Bauman, Richard. 1986. Story, Performance and Event: Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bauman, Richard & Charles L. Briggs. 1990. "Poetics and Performance as Critical Perspectives on Language and Social Life." Annual Review of Anthropology 19: 59-88.
Bauman, Richard & Joel Sherzer. 1989.
in the Ethnography of Speaking. 2nd edition.
NY: Cambridge University Press.
DÈgh, Linda. 1995. Narratives in Society: A Performer-Centered Study of Narration. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Douglas, Mary. 1968. "The Social Control of Cognition: Some Factors in Joke Cognition." Man 3: 361-76.
Dundes, Alan. 1966. "Metafolklore and Oral Literary Criticism." The Monist 60: 505-16.
Farb, Peter. 1977. Word Play. Stoughton: Coronet.
Fernandez, J. W. 1986. Persuasions and Performances: The Play of Tropes in Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Fine, Elizabeth. 1984. The Folkloric Text from Performance to Print. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Foley, John Miles. 1985. Oral Formulaic Theory and Research: An Introduction and Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland. Updates in Oral Tradition 1 (1986): 171-230; 3 (1988): 11-60; 7 (1992): 284-330. This work is on a website: http://www.missouri.edu/~csottime/biblio.html
Georges, Robert A. 1969. "Toward an Understanding of Storytelling Events," Journal of American Folklore, 82: 313-328.
Georges, Robert A. 1983. "Do Narrators Really Digress?: A Reconsideration of Audience Asides in Narrating." Western Folklore 40: 215-42.
Goffman, Erving. 1961. Encounters: Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill.
Goffman, Erving. 1963. Behavior in Public Places. NY: Free Press.
Goffman, Erving. 1967. Interaction Ritual. NY: Pantheon.
Goffman, Erving. 1969. Strategic Interaction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Goffman, Erving. 1974. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience. NY: Harper and Row.
Goodwin, Charles. 1981. Conversational Organization: Interactions between Speakers and Hearers. NY: Academic Press.
Huzinga, J. 1949. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture. NY and London: Routledge.
Hymes, Dell. 1962. "The Ethnography of Speaking." In Anthropology and Human Behavior, edited by T. Gladwin & W. Sturtevant, 15-53. Washington: Anthropological Society of Washington.
Hymes, Dell. 1972. "Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life." In Directions in Sociolinguistics, edited by J. Gumperz & D. Hymes, 35-71. Oxford: Blackwell.
Innis, Harold A. 1951 (1991). The Bias of
Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
* This landmark collection of essays discusses the history and
variety of communication technologies, and thus contextualizes the
Jansen, William Hugh. 1957. "Classifying Performance in the Study of of Verbal Folklore." In Studies in Folklore, edited by W. E. Richmond, 110-8. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Kendon, Adam. 1973. "The Role of Visible Behavior in the Organization of Face-to-Face Interaction." In Social Communication and Movement: Studies of interaction and Expression in Man and Chimpanzee,M. von Cranach & I. Vine, eds., London: Academic Press. pp. 29-74.
Kendon, Adam. 1992. "The Negotiation of Context in Face-to-Face Interaction." In Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomena, Alessandro Duranti & Charles Goodwin, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press. pp. 323-34.
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 1975. "A Parable in Context: A Social Interactional Analysis of Storytelling Performance." In Folklore: Performance and Communication, edited by D. Ben-Amos & K. S. Goldstein, 105-30. The Hague and Paris: Mouton.
Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. The Principles of Pragmatics. NY: Longman.
Lombardi-Satriani, Luigi. 1974. "Folklore as a Culture
Contestation." Journal of Folklore Institute II:
Lord, Albert & Milman Parry. 1960. The
of Tales. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
* The founding work of the oral-formulaic school. Verbal
formulas are found in contemporary Yugoslavian epic-chanting
and in Homer's Odyssey and Iliad.
Luthi, Max. 1976. "Goal-Orientation in Storytelling." In Folklore Today: A Festschrift for Richard M. Dorson. L. Degh, H. Glassie, F. Oinas, eds., Bloomington: Indiana U. Press, pp. 357-68.
Martin, Richard P. 1989. The Language of Heroes: Speech and Performance in the Iliad. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Mitchell-Kernan, Claudia. "Signifying and Marking: Two Afro-American Speech Acts." In Directions in Sociolinguistics, edited by J. Gumperz & D. Hymes, 35-71. Oxford: Blackwell.
Moerman, Michael. 1988. Talking Culture: Ethnography and Conversational Analysis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Nagy, Gregory. 1996. Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ong, Walter. 1982. Orality and Literacy: The
of the Word. London: Methuen & Co.
* Contrasting the oral and literary states of mind and methods
of composition.
Ong, Walter. 1987. "Literacy and Orality in Our Times." In Oral and Traditional Literatures, N. Simms, ed., Hamilton, New Zealand: Outrigger Press, pp. 8-21.
Paredes, Americo & Richard Bauman, editors.
Towards New Perspectives in Folklore. Austin and London:
of Texas Press.
* Presenting the performance-centered approach to folklore.
Sapir, J. David & J. Christopher Crocker, editors. 1977. The Social Use of Metaphor: Essays on the Rhetoric of Experience. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Schechner, Richard. 1973. Environmental
NY: Hawthorn Books.
* Much of what this director/scholar has to say also applies
to storytelling.
Schollon, Ron & Suzanne Schollon. 1981. Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Steinman, Louise. 1986. The Knowing Body: Elements of
Performance and Dance. Boston: Shambhala Publications.
* A study of performance art, with many references to
and storytellers.
Suleiman, Susan & Inge Crossman, editors. 1980. The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tannen, Deborah. 1986. That's Not What I Meant: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships. NY: Ballantine.
Tedlock, Dennis. 1983. The Spoken Word and the Work of
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
* Discusses ways of transcribing the spoken word.
Turner, Victor. 1969. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1985. "Risks in Verbal Art Performance." Journal of Folklore Research 22:2/3, 133-53.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1989a. The Proverb in the Context of Akan
Rhetoric: A Theory of Proverb Praxis.
NY: Peter Lang.
Yankah, Kwesi. 1989b. "Proverbs: The Aesthetics of
Communication." Research in African Literature 20:3, 325-46.
Visual Accompaniments: Scholarship & Practical Guides
Babb, Lawrence A. 1981. "Glancing: Visual Interaction in Hinduism." Journal of Anthropological Research 37: 387-401.
Bay, Jeanette Graham. 1995. Treasury of Flannelboard Stories. Upstart Library Promotionals.
Briggs, Diane. 1992. Flannel Board Fun : A Collection of
Stories, Songs and Poems. Scarecrow Press.
* Children's librarians and preschool teachers will find this
resource for flannel board storytelling quite useful. The patterns are
charming and warm, and the directions are easy to follow.
Catron, Carol Elaine & Barbara Catron Parks. 1987. Cooking Up a Story: Creative Ideas Using Original Stories and Props With Cooking Activities for Young Children. T. S. Denison & Co.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. 1929. "Picture Showmen."
Historical Quarterly 5, No. 2: 182-87.
* Indian storytellers who point to paintings on sheets as they
Coupe, William A. 1967. The German Illustrated
in the Seventeenth Century. Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana,
17. Baden-Baden: Heitz.
* Regarding the bankelsang tradition. Bankelsangers were
storytellers/chanters/singers who accompanied their marketplace
with picture sheets.
Crane, Thomas Frederick. 1867. The Exempla or
Stories from the Sermons of Jacques de Vitry. Publications of the
Folklore Society 26. Nedeln Lichtenstein: Krause Reprint.
* Regarding the Medieval European religious tradition of
sermons with pictures. This tradition served as background to the
secular bankelsang tradition.
Defty, Jeff. 1992. Creative Fingerplays & Action Rhymes: An Index and Guide to Their Use. Phoenix: Oryx Press.
Dorian, Margery & Frances Gulland. 1974. Telling Stories Through Movement. Belmont, CA: Fearon.
Dunbar, Diane. 1990. "Storytelling With Video
Masters Thesis. Department of Dance and Dance Education, SEHNAP,
New York University.
* Concerning storytelling performances accompanied by video
Gilson, J. P. 1929. "Introduction," in An Exultet Roll
in the XIth Century at the Abbey of Monte Cassino. Reproduced
Add. Ms. 30337. London: British Museum.
* Regarding the Medieval European religious tradition of
sermons with pictures.
Gray, Ray. 1994. "Multimedia Storytelling." Storytelling, Vol. 6, No. 4, 9/94, 6-7.
Gryski, Camilla. 1995. Cat's Cradle, Owl's Eyes: A Book
of String Games. NY: Scholastic.
* The author explains how string activities often accompany
Hawkesworth, Eric. 1977. Paper Cutting for Storytelling and Entertainment. S. G. Phillips.
Hicks, Doris Lynn. 1997. Flannelboard Classic
Chicago: American Library Association.
* A storyteller in schools and public libraries, DLN has
adapted a number of folktales for the flannelboard. In this guidebook,
she offers story scripts, patterns for the felt figures, and
for putting the two together in the most effective ways. The
include "Stone Soup," "The Enormous Turnip," "Coyote Catches a Fox,"
Gingerbread Man," "Rapunzel," and "The Fisherman and His Wife."
save time and effort making felt figures, DLN offers a practical system
for reusing stock characters, props, and settings: each item is
filed numerically, and pulled for certain stories as needed. As
a repertory theater company, the same actors and backdrops might appear
in a variety of productions.
Kallevig, Christine. 1991. Folding Stories: Storytelling and Origami as One. Storytime Ink International.
Kallevig, Christina Petrell. 1992. Holiday Folding Stories. Storytime Ink International.
Mair, Victor H. 1988. Painting and Performance: Chinese Picture Recitation and its Indian Gensis. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Mallett, Jerry & Timothy Ervin. 1992. Fold and Cut Stories. Upstart Library Promotionals.
Manna, Anthony & Carolyn Brodie, editors.
Art and Story: The Role of Illustration in Multicultural Literature for
Youth. Ft. Atkinson, WI: Alleyside Press.
* The marriage of art and text is widely recognized as being
of critical importance in literature for youth. Yet,
little is understood about how that union is successfully
For this collection, notable presentations have been drawn from the
Hamilton Conference held annually at Kent State University.
include award-winning illustrators and authors, as well as specialists
in children's literature. Among the contributors are Arnold
Jerry Pinkney, Pat Cummings, Floyd Cooper, Vera Williams, Shonto Begay,
Lulu Delacre, James Ransome, Patricia Polacco, Diane Hess, Opal Moore,
Sue Nespeca, and Maureen White. Although the subject of this book
is visuals accompanying written stories, much of the discussion also
to accompaniment of orally-presented stories.
Marsh, Valerie. 1993. Mystery-Fold: Stories to Tell, Draw, and Fold. Alleyside Press.
Miller, Eric. 1996. "Storytelling Accompanied by
Then and Now." Masters Thesis. Gallatin School, New York
* Surveys traditional accompanying visuals and asks, "Can
imagery be included in this family?"
Oldfield, Margaret J. 1963. Tell 'n' Draw Stories. Minneapolis: Creative Storytime Press.
Oldfield, Margaret J. 1969. More Tell 'n' Draw Stories. Minneapolis: Creative Storytime Press.
Painter, William H. 1982. Storytelling with Music, Puppets, and Arts for Libraries and Classrooms. Linnet.
Pflomm, Phyllis Noe. 1986. Chalk In Hand: The Draw-and-Tell Book. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Proschan, Frank. 1983. "The Semiotic Study of Puppets,
and Performing Objects." Semiotica
47: 3-44.
Raghavan, V. 1936. "Picture Showmen: Mankha." Indian Historical Quarterly 12: 524.
Raghavan, V. 1958. "Methods of Popular Religious Instruction in South India." Journal of American Folklore 71: 336-44.
Schwartz, Cherie Karo. 1994. "Using Objects in Storytelling and Teaching." Storytelling, Vol. 6, No. 5, 11/94, 16-8.
Sierra, Judy. 1987. The Flannel Board Storytelling Book. NY: H. W. Wilson.
Sierra, Judy & Bob Kaminski . 1994. Mother Goose's Playhouse: Toddler Tales and Nursery Rhymes, with Patterns for Puppets and Feltboards. Media Arts.
Simmel, George. 1969. "Sociology of the Senses: Visual Interaction." In Introduction to the Science of Sociology, edited by R. E. Park & W. Burgess, 356-61. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Spencer, Ann. 1982. In Praise of Heroes: Contemporary African Commemorative Cloth. Newark: Newark Museum.
Thompson, Richard. 1988. Draw-and-Tell: Reading, Writing, Listening, Viewing, Shaping. Willowdale, Ontario: Annick Press.
Warren, Jean. 1984. Cut & Tell: Scissor Stories for
Fall. Torrance, CA: Totline Press.
* See also for Winter and for Spring.
Folktales, Legends, and Myths: Scholarship
Antoni, Klaus. 1991. "Momotaro (The Peach Boy) and the
of Japan: Concerning the Function of a Fairy Tale in Japanese
of the Early Showa Age." Asian Folklore Studies 50: 155-88.
* Study of how a government has used a folktale to influence
its people.
Arewa, E. Ojo & Alan Dundes. 1964. "Proverbs and the Ethnography of Speaking Folklore." American Anthropologist (special issue) 66: 70-85.
Arne, Antti. 1964. The Types of the Folktale: A
and Bibliography. Translated and enlarged by Stith
Folklore Fellows Communications, No. 184. Helsinki: Suomalainen
* A basic reference work for the comparison and study of
Folktale variants are placed into family groups; plot structures are
by number.
Bascomb, William. 1965. "The Forms of Folklore: Prose Narratives." Journal of American Folklore 78: 3-20.
Bascomb, William, editor. 1977. The Frontiers of Folklore. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Beardslee, William. 1978. "Parable, Proverb and Koan." Semeia 12: 151-77.
Ben-Amos, Dan. 1969. "Analytic Categories and Ethnic Genres." Genre 2: 275-301. (Reprinted, 1982, in Folklore in Context: Essays. New Delhi and Madras: South Asian Publishers.)
Ben-Amos, Dan & Kenneth Goldstein, editors.
Folklore: Performance and Communication.
The Hague and Paris: Mouton.
Blackburn, Stuart & A. K. Ramanujan, editors. 1986. Another Harmony: New Essays on the Folklore of India. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bottigheimer, Ruth B., editor. 1986 Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion and Paradigm. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Brown, W. Norman. 1919. "The Panchatantra in Modern Indian Folklore." Journal of the American Oriental Society 39:1-54.
Bruner, Edward M. & Phyllis Gorfain. 1984. "Dialogical Narration and Paradoxes of Masada." In Text, Story, and Play, edited by E. M. Bruner, 56-79. Washington, D.C.: American Etiological Society.
Butler, Francelia. 1988. Skipping Around the World: The Ritual Nature of Folk Rhymes. Hamden, CT: Library Professional Publications.
Campbell, Joseph. 1949. The Hero with a Thousand
NY: Bollingen Foundation.
* A classic analysis of story. An application of
C. G. Jung's theory of archetypes. Tells of the mono-myth: a hero
embarks on an adventure and returns to help his community. Has
criticized for being too reductive and ignoring differences between
Campbell, Joseph. 1988. The Power of Myth. NY:
* Based on the PBS television series (audio and video cassettes
also available).
Chatterji, Roma. 1985. "The Voyage of the Hero: The Self and the Other in the Narrative Tradition of Perulia." Contributions to Indian Sociology 19: 95-114.
Cook, Elizabeth. 1976. The Ordinary and the Fabulous: An Introduction to Myths, Legends and Fairy Tales. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
De Vos, Gail. 1996. Tales, Rumors, and Gossip: Exploring Contemporary Folk Literature in Grades 7-12. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
De Vos, Gail & Anna E. Altmann. 1999. New Tales for Old: Folktales as Literary Fictions for Young Adults. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Degh, Linda, editor. 1978. Studies in East European Folk Narrative. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Doherty, Lillian. 1995. Siren Songs: Gender, Audiences, and Narrators in the Odyssey. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Dundes, Alan. 1962. "From Etic to Emic Units in the Structural Study of Folklore." Journal of American Folklore 75: 95-105.
Dundes, Alan. 1976. "Structuralism and Folklore." Studia Fennica 20: 75-93.
Dundes, Alan, editor. 1984. Sacred Narrative: Readings
the Theory of Myth. Berkeley: University of California Press.
* Essays from various perspectives, including: the
evolutionary, comparative, nature-explanatory, functional, myth-ritual,
psychological, and experiential.
Finnegan, Ruth. 1977. Oral Poetry: Its Nature, Significance, and Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fischer, J. L. "The Sociopsychological Analysis of Folktales." Current Anthropology 4: 235-95.
Gaster, Moses. 1924. The Exempla of the Rabbis: Being a Collection of Exempla, Apologues and Tales. London: The Asia Publishing House.
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. "Religion as a Cultural System." In The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books, pp. 87-125.
Goldman, Robert P. 1978. "Fathers, Sons, and Gurus: Oedipal Conflict in the Sanskrit Epics." Journal of Indian Philosophy 6: 325-92.
Gluck, Sherna Berger & Daphne Patai, editors. Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History. London and NY: Rutledge.
Holbek, Bengt. 1987. The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Folklore Fellows Communications 239. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.
Holbek, Bengt. 1989. "The Language of Fairy
In Nordic Folklore: Recent Studies, edited by
R. Kviedland & H. K. Sehmsdorf, in collaboration with E. Simpson,
40-62. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Jacobs, Melville. 1959. The Content and Style of an Oral Literature: Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
Jacobs, Melville. 1960. The People are Coming Soon: Analyses of Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Johnson, John. 1986. The Epic of Son-Jara. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Kailasapathy, K. 1963. "Tamil Heroic Poetry: A
Study," from On Art and Literature. Madras: New Century.
* Applying the oral-formulaic method to traditional Tamil poetry;
attempting to reconstruct the bardic process.
Leach, Maria. 1984. Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of
Folklore, Mythology and Legend.
NY: HarperCollins (paperback).
* Reference for researching symbolic meaning of elements within
folktales and myths.
Levi-Straus, Claude. 1963. "The Effectiveness of Symbols." In Structural Anthropology, 168-205. NY: Basic Books.
Limon, Jose. 1983. "Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Introduction." Journal of American Folklore 96: 34-52.
Limon, Jose. 1984. "Western Marxism and Folklore: A Critical Reintroduction." Journal of American Folklore 97: 337-44.
Luthi, Max. 1986. The European Folktale: Form and Nature. Translated by John D. Niles. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Liestol, Knut. 1930. The Origin of the Icelandic Family Sagas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Loomis, C. Grant. 1948. White Magic: An Introduction to the Folklore of Christian Legend. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Malinowski, Bronislav. 1926. Myth in Primitive Psychology. NY: Norton.
Malinowski, Bronislav. 1954. Magic, Science and Religion, and Other Essays. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1971. "The Origins of Heresy
in Hindu Mythology." History of Religions
10 (4): 271-333.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1973. Asceticism and Eroticism in the Mythology of Shiva. London: Oxford University Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1976. The Origins of Evil in Hindu Mythology. Berkeley: University of California Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1980. Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1984. Dreams, Illusions and Other Realities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1985. Tales of Sex and Violence: Folklore, Sacrifice and Danger in the Jaiminiya Brahmana. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1988. Other People's
NY: Macmillan.
* A study of the roles myths play in cultures around the world.
Oinas, Felix J., editor. 1978. Heroic Epic and Saga: An
Introduction to the World's Great Epics. Bloomington: Indiana
* Essays about epics and the cultures from which they have
Oring, Elliott. 1984. The Jokes of Sigmund Freud: A Study in Humor and Jewish Identity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Propp, Vladimir. 1968. The Morphology of The
2nd revised edition. Translated by Lawrence Scott. Austin:
University of Texas Press.
* Structuralism as applied to folktales: story motifs are seen
as functions in a formula.
Ramanujan, A. K. 1982. "Hanchi: A Kannada Cinderella." In Cinderella: A Folklore Casebook, edited by A. Dundes, 259-75. NY: Garland.
Ramanujan, A. K. 1983. "The Indian Oedipus." In Oedipus: A Folklore Casebook, edited by L. Edmunds & A. Dundes, 234-61. NY: Garland.
Ramanujan, A. K. 1991. "Towards a Counter System: Women's Tales." In Gender, Genre and Power in South Asia Expressive Traditions, edited by A. Appadurai, F. Koraom, and M. Mills, 33-55. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Rohrich, Lutz. 1991. Folktales and Reality. Translated by Peter Tofsky. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Simpkinson, Charles & Anne Simpkinson. 1993. Sacred Stories: A Celebration of the Power of Stories to Transform and Heal. NY: HarperCollins.
Spencer, Robert F. 1966. "Ethical Expression in a Burmese Jataka." In The Anthropologist Looks at Myth, edited by M. Jacobs & J. Greenway, 278-302. Austin and London: University of Texas Press.
Stone, Kay. 1986. "The Misuses of Enchantment: Controversies on the Significance of Folktales." In Women's Folklore, Women's Culture, edited by R. Jordan & S. J. Kalccik, 125-45. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Sussman, Linda. 1995. The Speech of the Grail : A Journey Toward Speaking That Heals and Transforms. (Studies in Imagination series.) Hudson, NY:Lindisfarne Books.
Tatar, Maria. 1992. Off With Their Heads! Fairytales and the Culture of Childhood. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Thompson, Stith. 1955-8. Motif-Index of Folk
6 volumes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
* The classic reference work. See if you can think of a
motif that is not in here!
Thompson, Stith & Jonas Balys. 1958. The Oral Tales of India. Folklore Series 10. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Thompson, Stith & Warren E. Roberts. 1960. Types of Indic Oral Tales: India, Pakistan and Ceylon. Folklore Series 180. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia. (Jason, Heda. 1989. Types of Indic Oral Tales: Supplement. Folklore Series 242. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.)
Thompson, Stith. 1997. A Folkorist's Progress : Reflections of a Scholar's Life. Edited by John H. McDowell. (Special Publications of the Folklore Institute, No. 5.) Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Toelken, Barre. 1979. The Dynamics of Folklore.
Houghton Mifflin.
* Textbook on folklore (oral culture) and folklife (material
Troger, Ralph. 1966. A Comparative Analysis of a Bengali Folktale. Calcutta: Association Press.
Van Baaren, Th. P. 1972. "The Flexibility of Myth." Studies in the History of Religions 22:199-206. (Reprinted, 1984, in Sacred Narrative: Readings in the Theory of Myth. Edited by A. Dundes. Berkeley: University of California Press.)
Yolen, Jane. 1986. Touch Magic: Fantasy, Faerie and Folklore in the Literature of Childhood. NY: Philomel Books.
Zipes, Jack. 1991. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization. NY: Rutledge.
Zimmer, Heinrich. 1946. Myths and Symbols in Indian Art
and Civilization. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Bal, David. 1983. Backwards & Forwards: A Technical
Manual for Reading Plays. Carbondale: Southern Illinois
* A guide to the structure of plays and stories.
Bruner, Edward M. 1986. "Ethnography as
In The Anthropology of Experience, edited by
V. Turner & E. M. Bruner, 139-55. Urbana: University
of Illinois Press.
Bruner, Jerome. 1987. "Life as Narrative." Social Research 54: 11-32.
Bruner, Jerome. 1991. "The Narrative Construction of Reality." Critical Inquiry 18: 1-21.
Chatman, Seymour. 1978. Story and Discourse. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Crites, Stephen D. 1971. "The Narrative Quality of Experience." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 39: 291-311.
Cruikshank, Julie, in collaboration with Angela Sidney, Kitty Smith, and Annie Neal. 1990. Life Lived Like a Story. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.
Gennette, Gerard. 1980. Narrative Discourse. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Kermode, Frank. 1979. The Genesis of Secrecy: On the Interpretation of Narrative. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Mink, Louis. 1978. "Narrative Form as a Cognitive
Instrument." In The Writing of History, edited by
R. Canary & H. Kozicki, 129-49. Madison: University of
Mitchell, W. J. T., editor. 1980. On Narrative. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Nelson, Paul. 1987. Narrative and Morality. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Polkinghorne, David. Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences. Albany: Stute University of New York Press.
Ricouer, Paul. 1984. Time and Narrative. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
White, Hayden. 1981. "The Value of Narrativity in the
of Reality." In On Narrative,
edited by W. J. T. Mitchell, 1-24. Chicago: University of Chicago
Wicker, Brian. 1975. The Story Shaped World: Fiction and Metaphysics: Some Variations on a Theme. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Wilder, Amos. 1983. "Story and Story-World."
37: 353-64.
Collections of Folktales, Legends, and Myths
Aardema, Verna. 1994. Misoso: Once Upon a Time Tales From Africa. NY: Random House.
Abu-Lughod, Lila. 1992. Writing Women's Worlds: Bedouin Stories. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Afanasev, Aleksandr. 1976. Russian Fairy Tales. NY: Random House.
Aldana, Patricia. 1996. Jade and Iron: Latin American
from Two Cultures. Toronto, ON: Groundwood Books.
* A comparison of the narrative tone in pre- and post-conquest
stories. Origin tales, supernatural tales, and trickster tales
Amore, Roy C. & Larry Shinn. 1981.
Maidens and Ascetic Kings: Buddhist and Hindu Stories
of Life. NY: Oxford University Press.
Ashliman, D.L. 1987. A Guide to Folktales in the English Language: Based on the Aarne-Thompson Classification System. NY: Greenwood Press.
Aung, Maung Hin. 1966. Burmese Monks' Tales. NY and London: Columbia University Press.
Baltuck, Naomi. 1995. Apples from Heaven : Multiculture Folk Tales About Stories and Storytellers. North Haven, CT: Linnet Books.
Bannister, Mary. 1995. Storybook Connections: Fairytales From A to Z. Monday Morning Books.
Barchers, Suzanne T. 1990. Wise Women: Folk and Fairy Tales from Around the World. Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited.
Beck, Brenda, P. Claus, J. Handoo, & P. Goswamy. 1987. Folktales of India. (Folktales of the world series.) Foreword by A.K. Ramanujan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Blecher, Lone Thygesen. 1995. Swedish Folktales and Legends. Translated by George Blecher. NY: Random House.
Bodker, Laurits. 1957. Indian Animal Tales. Folklore Fellows Communications 170. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.
Breznau. 1980. The Real Happily Ever After Book: 21 Favorite Fairy Tales. Nashville, TN: Incentive Publications.
Briggs, Katherine M. 1970. A Dictionary of British Folktales. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Briggs, Katherine M. 1971. Personnel of Fairyland: a Short Account of the Fairy People of Great Britain for Those Who Tell Stories to Children. Detroit, MI: Gale Research.
Briggs, Katherine M. 1980. British Folktales. NY: Random House.
Brody, Ed, editor. 1992. Spinning Tales. Weaving Hope: Stories of Peace, Justice, and the Environment. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.
Brunvald, Jan H. 1981. The Vanishing Hitchhiker:
Urban Legends and Their Meanings.
NY: Norton.
* Also see the author's numerous other collections of modern-day
folk narratives.
Buber, Martin. 1948. Tales of the Hasidim. NY: Schocken.
Burton, Richard Francis, editor. 1997. The Arabian Nights' Entertainments, or the Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night : A Selection of the Most Famous and Representative of These Tales. NY: Modern Library.
Carter, Angela. 1990. The Old Wives' Fairy Book.
Pantheon Books.
* Strong female characters.
Chase, Richard. 1943. Jack Tales. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin Co..
* Collected from the Appalachian mountains and retold by a
professional storyteller.
Chase, Richard. 1948. Grandfather Tales. Boston:
Mifflin Co.
* At the conclusion of each chapter there are notes toward a
reconstruction of an evening of storytelling among the author's
Chinen, Allen B. 1989. In the Ever After: Fairy Tales
the Second Half of Life. Wilmette, IL: Chiron Publications.
* Fairytales in which elders are protagonists, with excellent
interpretations by a psychiatrist.
Chinen, Allen B. 1992. Once Upon a Midlife: Classic Stories and Mythic Tales to Illuminate the Middle Years. Los Angeles: Jeremy T. Archer.
Clarkson, Atelia & Gilbert B. Cross.
World Folktales: A Treasure of the World's Best Loved Folktales.
NY: Charles Scribners & Sons.
* Wonderful notes about the stories, parallel versions, and other
sources. Includes tale-type and motif numbers for each story.
Cole, Joanna. 1982. Best Loved Folktales of the
Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
* Stories are organized by country. Stories that work well
with children.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. & Sister Nivedita. 1913. Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists. London: Harrap.
Creeden, Sharon. 1998. Fair is Fair: World Folktales of Justice. Little Rock: August House.
Cunningham, Keith. The Oral Tradition of the American West. Little Rock: August House.
Dauenhauer, Nora Marks & Richard Dauenhauer.
Haa Shuka, Our Ancestors: Tlingit Oral Narrative. Seattle:
of Washington Press.
* Examples and discussion of Tlingit folktales.
Dauenhauer, Nora Marks & Richard Dauenhauer.
Haa Tuwunaagu Yis, For Our Healing Spirit. Seattle: University of
Washington Press.
* Additional examples and discussion of Tlingit folktales.
Davis, Donald. 1996. Southern Jack Tales. Little
August House.
* From the mountains of western North Carolina, where the author
was raised.
De Caso, Frank. 1993. The Folktale Cat. Little Rock: August House.
Delehaye, Hippolyte. 1962. Legends of the Saints. NY, Fordham University Press.
DeSpain, Pleasant. 1993. Thirty-three Multicultural Tales to Tell. Little Rock: August House.
DeSpain, Pleasant. 1994. Twenty-two Splendid Tales to Tell From Around the World. Little Rock: August House.
DeSpain, Pleasant. 1996. Eleven Nature Tales: A Multicultural Journey. Little Rock: August House.
Downer, Deborah. 1998. Classic American Ghost Stories. Little Rock: August House.
Dimmitt, Cordelia & J. A. B. van Buitenen. 1978. Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the Sanskrit Puranas. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Dorson, Richard. 1975. Folktales Told Around the World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Dorson, Richard, editor. Folktales of the World Series.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* An essay discussing the folktales and the history of folktale
research in that country introduces each volume.
Folktales of England. Briggs, Katherine M.
Ruth L. Tongue. 1965.
Folktales of Norway. Christiansen, Reider. 1964.
Folktales of Hungary. Degh, Linda. 1965.
Folktales of Egypt. El-Shamy, Hasan M. 1979.
Folktales of France. Massignon, Genevieve. 1968.
Folktales of Greece. Megas, Georgios A. . 1970.
Folktales of Israel. Noy, Dov. 1963.
Folktales of Ireland. O'Sullivan, Sean. 1966.
Folktales of Mexico. Paredes, Americo. 1970.
Folktales of Chile. Pino-Saavedra, Yolanda. 1968.
Folktales of Germany. Ranke, Kurt. 1968.
Folktales of Japan. Seki, Keigo. 1963.
Dundes, Alan, editor. 1983. Cinderella, A Casebook. NY: Wildman Press.
Dundes, Alan, editor. 1986. The Flood Myth.
University of California Press.
* Essays about flood myths from many cultures.
Dundes, Alan. 1992. Work Hard and You Shall Be Rewarded:
Urban Folklore from the
Paperwork Empire. Detroit: Wayne State Press.
Dundes, Alan & Carl R. Pagter. 1987. When You're Up to Your A-- in Alligators: More Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire. Detroit: Wayne State Press.
Dundes, Alan. 1991. Never Try to Teach a Pig to Sing: Still More Urban Folklore from the Paperwork Empire. Detroit: Wayne State Press.
Druts, Yefim & E. Druts & Alexi
Translated by James Riordan. 1992. Russian Gypsy Tales
Folktale Series). Interlink Books.
* The 36 tales in this collection are the result of the long
interaction between the self-reliant gypsies and their Russian
as collected by two Moscow researchers. In the introduction, the
translator explores the mysterious history of the people who call
Rom, perpetual outsiders whose probable origins were in India; in
as elsewhere, some settled and others continued to roam while their
endured--including these stories, whose action vividly reveals the
close-knit society. Some of these stories are heroic, others are
romantic; there are tales of fools, of clever tricksters outwitting
other, and of the devil; of ghosts foiled by the power of the church or
horrifyingly triumphant. The vibrant characters are often
Though Rom society is male-dominated, there are also clever, assertive
women--and one who, threatened with rape, literally becomes
It is a society that is often outside the law of the czars, with
a normal activity yet with its own strict moral code, including
and taking care of its own.
Feldman, Christina & Jack Kornfield. 1991. Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart: Parables of the Spiritual Path from Around the World. NY: HarperCollins.
Forest, Heather. 1995. Wonder Tales from Around the World. Little Rock: August House.
Forest, Heather. 1996. Wisdom Tales from Around the World. Little Rock: August House.
Frere, Mary. 1898 (1868). Old Deccan Days, or Hindoo
Legends Current in Southern India.
3rd edition. London: John Murray.
Gastor, Theodor H. 1952. The Oldest Stories in the World. Boston: Beacon Press.
Ginzberg, Louis. 1950-69. Legends of the Jews. 7 Volumes. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
Goss, Linda & Clay Goss. 1995. Jump Up and Say! A Collection of Black Storytelling. NY: Simon and Schuster.
Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm. Translated by Jack Zipes. 1987. The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. NY: Bantam.
Hamilton, Virginia. 1985. The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales. NY: Knopf.
Hendricks, Rhoda A. 1974. Gods and Heroes: Myths as Told
by the Ancient Authors. NY: Morrow
Quill Paperbacks.
* Gives a vivid sense of how Ancient Romans viewed the world.
Hilbert, Vi. 1985. Haboo: Native-American Stories from Puget Sound. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
Holt, David & Bill Mooney. 1994. Ready-To-Tell Tales: Sure-Fire Stories From America's Favorite Storytellers. Little Rock: August House.
Jaffe, Nina. 1993. The Uninvited Guest and Other Jewish Holiday Tales. NY: Scholastic.
Jaffe, Nina. 1994. Patakin: World Tales of Drums and Drummers. NY: Henry Holt.
Jaffe, Nina. 1997. The Mysterious Visitor: Stories of the Prophet Elijah. NY: Scholastic.
Jaffe, Nina & Steve Zeitlin. 1993. While Standing on One Foot: Puzzle Stories and Wisdom Tales from the Jewish Tradition. NY: Henry Holt.
Justice, Jennifer, ed. The Ghost and I: Scary Stories for Participatory Telling. Cambridge, MA: Yellow Moon Press.
Lang, Andrew. 1908. The Orange Fairy Book.
Longmans, Green & Co.
* Also see AL's Brown, Green, Grey, Lilac, Olive, Blue, Pink,
Red, Violet, Yellow, and Rainbow Fairy Books.
Lankford, George E. 1998. Native American Legends: Southeastern Nations: Tales from the Natchez, Caddo, Biloxi, Chickasaw, and Other Nations. Little Rock: August House.
Leeming, David & Margaret Leeming. 1994. A Dictionary of Creation Myths. NY: Oxford University Press.
Lindow, John, editor and translator. 1978. Swedish Legends and Folktales. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Lonnrot, Elias. 1989. The Kalevala: An Epic Poem After
Oral Tradition. Translated by Keith Bosley. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
* Text and commentary.
Lurie, Alison. 1980. Clever Gretchen and Other Forgotten Folktales. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1986. Twenty Tellable Tales:
Participation: Folktales for the Beginning Storyteller. NY: H. W.
* An excellent group of stories and how to make them
for child audiences.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1988. When the Lights Go Out: Twenty Scary Tales To Tell. NY: H. W. Wilson.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1991. Look Back and See:
Lively Tales for Gentle Tellers. NY:
H. W. Wilson.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1992. Peace Tales: World
to Talk About. North Haven, CT:
Linnet Books / The Shoe String Press.
MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1996. Tuck-Me-In Tales:
Stories from Around the World.
17th edition. Little Rock: August House.
Martin, Laura C. 1994. Wildlife Folklore. Old Saybrook, CT: Globe Pequot Press.
McCaughrean, Geraldine. 1995. The Golden Hoard: Myths and Legends of the World. Margaret McElderry Books.
McDermott, Gerald. 1972. Ananse the Spider. NY: Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston.
Medlicott, Mary. 1991. Tales for Telling: From Around the World. Alexandria, VA: Kingfisher Books.
Minard, Rosemary. 1975. Womenfolk and Fairytales.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
* Folk and fairytales featuring strong female characters.
Mintz, Jerome R. 1968. Legends of the Hasidim: An Introduction to Hasidic Culture and Oral Tradition in the New World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Momaday, N. Scott. 1969. The Way to Rainy
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Reprinted by
* Tales of the Kiowa, a Native-American people of the western
mountains and the Great Plains.
Nagishkin, Dmitri. 1980. Folktales of the Amur: Stories from the Russian Far East. NY: Harry M. Abrams.
National Storytelling Association. 1991. Best-Loved Tales: Told at the National Storytelling Festival. Jonesborough, TN: National Storytelling Press.
National Storytelling Association. 1995. Many Voices: True Tales from America's Past. Jonesborough, TN: National Storytelling Press.
National Storytelling Association. 1992. More Best-Loved Tales: Told at the National Storytelling Festival. Jonesborough, TN: National Storytelling Press.
O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger. 1975. Hindu Myths. NY: Penguin.
Opie, Iona & Peter Opie. 1974. Classic
Tales. NY: Oxford University Press.
* Collection of best-known European fairytales, with commentaries
that point out stories' psychological implications.
Opler, Morris E. 1938. Myths and Tales of the Jicarilla
Apache Indians. American Folklore Society 31.
NY: G. E. Steichert and Co.
Oryx Multicultural Folktale Series. Phoenix: Oryx Press.
* Each volume includes introductory notes, approximately
25 variants of the story, and classroom activities.
Beauties and Beasties. Hearne, Betsy. 1993.
Tom Thumb. MacDonald, Margaret Read. 1993.
A Knock at the Door. Shannon, George. 1992.
Cinderella. Sierra, Judy. 1992.
Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library. New York: Pantheon
* Each volume includes introductory notes.
African Folktales. Abrahams, Roger D. 1983.
Afro-American Folktales. Abrahams, Roger D. 1985.
Arab Folktales. Bushnaq, Inea. 1986.
Italian Folktales. Calvino, Italo. 1981.
American Indian Myths and Legends. Erdoes, Richard
& Alfonso Ortiz. 1985.
Yiddish Folktales. Weinreich, Beatrice Silverman
& Leonard Wolf. 1988.
Irish Folktales. Glassie, Henry. 1987.
Pellowski, Anne. 1984. The Story Vine: A Sourcebook of Unusual and Easy-to-Tell Stories from Around the World. New York: Macmillan.
Phelps, Ethyl Johnston. 1978. Tatterhood and Other
NY: The Feminist Press.
* Folk and fairytales featuring strong female characters.
Phelps, Ethyl Johnston. 1981. The Maid of the North:
Folk Tales from Around the World.
NY: Holt, Rhinehart and Winston.
Pijoan, Teresa. 1998. White Wolf Woman: Native American Transformation Myths. Little Rock: August House.
Pijoan, Teresa. 1998. Myths of Native-American Medicine. Little Rock: August House.
Pomerantseva, E. 1976. Northern Lights: Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the North. Translated by Irina Zheleznova. Progress Publishers.
Ramakrishna, Sri. 1978. Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna. Hollywood, CA: Vedanta Press.
Ramanujan, A. K, ed. 1991. Folktales from India: A Selection of Oral Tales from Twenty-two Languages. NY: Pantheon Books.
Ramanujan, A. K. 1997. A Flowering Tree, and Other Oral Tales from India. Edited with a preface by Stuart Blackburn and Alan Dundes. Berkeley : University of California Press.
Reneaux, J. J. 1994. Haunted Bayou and Other Cajun Ghost Stories. Little Rock: August House.
Reneaux, J. J. 1998. Cajun Fairy Tales. Little Rock: August House.
Riordan, James. 1989. The Sun Maiden and the Crescent Moon: Siberian Folktales. NY: Interlink Books.
Roberts, Moss. 1980. Chinese Fairy Tales and Fantasies. NY: Random House (Paperback).
Rosenberg, Donna. 1986. World Mythology. Illinois:
National Textbook Company.
* Myths from all over the world. Excellent background
The stories are written in a very tellable form.
Ross, Gayle. 1994. How Rabbit Tricked Otter and Other Cherokee Trickster Tales. NY: Harper Collins.
Ryder, Arthur W. 1956. The Panchatantra. Chicago
London: University of Chicago Press.
* The collection of Indian animal stories that inspired Aesop's
San Souci, Robert D. 1987. Short and Shivery: Thirty Chilling Tales. NY: Doubleday.
Schram, Peninnah. 1995. Chosen Tales: Stories Told By Jewish Storytellers. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
Schwartz, Alvin. 1981. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. New York: Harper & Row.
Schwartz, Alvin. 1992. Stories to Tell a Cat. NY: HarperCollins.
Shah, Idries. 1979. World Tales. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Shannon, George. 1985. Stories to Solve: Folktales from Around the World. Greenwillow Books.
Sherman, Josepha. 1996. Trickster Tales: Forty Stories from Around the World. Little Rock: August House.
Sherman, Josepha. 1998. Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts: The Subversive Folklore of Childhood. Little Rock: August House.
Sierra, Judy. 1991. Multicultural Folktales: Stories to Tell Young Children. Phoenix: Oryx Press.
Smith, Jimmy Neil, editor. 1988. Homespun: Tales from
Favorite Storytellers. NY: Crown.
* Includes a primer on telling stories and an annotated
Smith, Jimmy Neil. 1993. Why the Possum's Tail is Bare and Other Classic Southern Stories. NY: Avon Books.
Smith, Ron. 1981. Mythologies of the World: A Guide to
Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
* Bibliographical essays suggesting scholarly sources for myth.
Stokes, Maive. 1879. Indian Fairy Tales. London: Ellis and White.
Taggart, James. 1990. Enchanted Maidens: Spanish Folktales of Courtship and Marriage. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Tubach, Frederick C. 1969. Index Exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious Tales. Folklore Fellows Communications 204. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeaketemia.
Warner, Marina. 1996. Wonder Tales. NY: Strauss & Giroux.
Wolkstein, Diane. 1980. The Magic Orange Tree and Other
Haitian Folktales. NY: Schocken Books.
* In notes before each tale, the author tells us about the
performance context, the teller's performance, and the listeners'
Yeats, W. B. 1888. Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish
London: Walter Scott.
* Yeats' first book.
Yolen, Jane. 1986. Favorite Folktales from Around the World. New York: Pantheon Books.
Young, Richard & Judy Dockery Young. 1990. Favorite Scary Stories of American Children. Little Rock: August House.
Young, Richard & Judy Dockery Young. 1993. African-American Folktales for Young Readers. Little Rock: August House.
Young, Richard & Judy Dockery Young. 1998. Ghost Stories from the American Southwest. Little Rock: August House.
Zipes, Jack. 1986. Don't Bet on the Prince: Contemporary
Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England. NY: Methuen.
Magazines and Newsletters
The Museletter. Six issues per year. Free with
League for the Advancement of New England Storytelling (LANES ),
P.O. Box 323, Wrentham, MA 02093-0323. 508-384-3195.
Storytelling Magazine. Six issues per year. Free
membership ($40 per year).
USA National Storytelling Association (NSA),
P.O. Box 309, Jonesborough, TN 37659. 800-525-4514.
Storytelling World. Two issues per year. $7.95 per year.
Flora Joy, editor. East Tennessee State University.
P. O. Box 70647, Johnson City, TN 37614.
423-439-4297. E-mail: fjoy@preferred.com
Journal of American Folklore.
Western Folklore.
Southern Folklore.
Journal of Folklore Research.
Oral Tradition.
The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition,
John Miles Foley, Director,
at the University of Missouri-Columbia
A list of courses in and/or about storytelling (oral narrative).
Two raisons d'etre of this list are:
1) To let people know where they might study storytelling within
academically-accredited institutions.
2) To promote the idea that Storytelling Studies is an academic
Storytelling Studies courses can be taught in Storytelling Studies
Programs and Departments,
which can have
ABOUT (historical, ethnographic, technical) and
HOW-TO (studio) sections.
The website of the USA National Storytelling Association.
116 West Main St., Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659.
On these websites, there are links to hundreds more storytelling-related web.sites:
The StoryTell listserv functions as an international storytelling
It is managed by the School
of Library Science and Information Studies, Texas Woman's University,
Denton, TX. For information,
see http://twu.edu/slis/ls/services/stinstrc.htm
Last updated: August 30, 2005.