"Storytelling by and for Adults,

  inspired by Cafe Coffee Day"

                (now via Zoom)


                  Presented by

        World Storytelling Institute


This is a series of Open-mic

Storytelling sessions.


The sessions are usually held

on the first Monday of each month

beginning at 6pm India time.

(If you are not in India, you could

determine the starting time in your

time zone at

https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com )


For the past seven years (starting in

2013), this series occurred in a Cafe

Coffee Day in Chennai.  Now it is

occurring via Zoom videoconference.


Admission is free.


If you have not yet attended a session

in this series -- to register to attend the

the sessions, please send an email to

info@storytellinginstitute. org



6th July 2020 session --

Links to recordings of some of the

performances and discussions are



3rd August 2020 session --

Links to recordings of the performances

and discussions are below.


Upcoming sessions:

Monday 7th Sept 2020.

Monday 5th Oct 2020.

Monday 2nd Nov 2020.





     "Storytelling by and for Adults"


              Recording of Session on

             Monday 3rd August 2020


                      Story topics:

         "An important conversation"


"A story I have loved for many years"


1) Fania Hazan

tells "The Lasting Conversation,"

(a personal-experience story),



2) Indira Krishnan

tells "The Bishop's Candlesticks"

(from Victor Hugo's novel, Les Miserables),



3) Sikha Gurung and David Heathfield

(Tandem Storytelling) tell "Sunkeshari Raani"

(a Nepalese folktale),



4) Rona Barbour

tells "The Mermaid's Dilemma"

(an original creative story)



5) Manjiri Gogate

tells "Lord Ganesha Curses the Moon"

(a mythological story).



6) Vishal Gunani

tells "Transforming One's Life"

(A personal-experience story),



7) Radha Balaraman.

tells "The Seed of Truth"

(a short story by Sudha Murthy),



8) Sanjeev Kumar Singhal

tells "The Princess and the Frog's Wishes"

(a fairy tale),





