Schedule for the May-June 2021 Workshop on

"Exploring Fairytales through Psychodrama".


Working with fairytales, and with

stories that are similar to fairytales.


1) Session 1 (Sat 29th May 2021)

"The Young Woman at the Pond".

Written version starting at the beginning of the story.

Written version starting in the middle of the story.

"The Goose-girl at the Well" (Grimms, 179).


"Into the Dark Forest: The Fairytale Heroine’s Journey,"

an essay by Theodora Goss. 



2) Session 2 (Sun 30th May)

"Brother and Sister".

"Foundling" (Grimms, 51).




3) Session 3 (Sat 5th June)

"The Handless Maiden".

"The Maiden Without Hands" (Grimms 31).



4) Session 4 (Sun 6th June)

"Mother Hulda".

"Frau Holle" (Grimms, 24).




5) Session 6 (Sun 13th June)

"Vasilisa the Beautiful".

(A Russian Fairytale.)



6) Session 5 (Sat 12th June)

"The 12 Windows".

"The Little Hamster from the Water" (Grimms, 191).




7) Session 7 (Sat 19th June)

"Fairies Take a Human Baby".

(a traditional story from England).



8) Session 8 (Sun 20th June)

'The Fish Brother".

(a Grandmother Story from Tamil Nadu).




9) Session 9 (Sat 26th June)


(An Episode from an Epic).



10) Session 10 (Sun 27th June)

"The Flowering Tree".

(a Grandmother Story from Karnataka).



