"Storytelling Therapy

Association of India"

( STAI )



The form of Storytelling Therapy that we are especially developing has eight steps.  This approach elaborates upon and extends the three-step therapeutic process developed by Dr Carl Jung.



Mission Statement:


* To develop ways that methods of Storytelling Therapy could be used in a wide range of formal and informal wellness-inducing processes such as Life Coaching, Facilitating Personality Development, Therapeutic Storytelling work, Healing, Psychological Counselling, and Therapy.  (The STAI accepts the premise that one needs to have earned a Masters degree in a Psychology-related discipine to possibly conduct Counselling or Therapy.) 


* To help further establish the field of Storytelling Therapy, so that it could take its place in general global culture beside the more-established and known fields such as Drama Therapy, Dance-movement Therapy, Biblio Therapy, and Poetry Therapy.


* To further esatblish Storytelling Therapy as one of the Expressive Therapies, and Creative Arts Therapies.


* To further esatblish Storytelling Therapy as a component of Expressive Arts Therapy (which perceives artistic expression to be a holistic process, across the senses).


* To help research, develop, and apply "in the modern world" traditional ways of using stories and storytelling to heal, comfort, and guide -- especially in relation to the cultures of India.


* To help research, develop, and apply ways the processes of story analysis and composition can be therapeutic and/or stimulating of personal social-emotional growth, awareness, and maturity.


* To help research, develop, and apply ways the process of story writing can be therapeutic and/or stimulating of personal social-emotional growth, awareness, and maturity.


* To help research, develop, and apply ways the inter-personal, social process of storytelling can be therapeutic and/or stimulating of personal social-emotional growth, awareness, and maturity.



Currently (May 2024) there are 47 members of the Storytelling Therapy Association of India (STAI). 


Most STAI members have undergone training with Dr. Eric Miller in Storytelling Therapy (methods of which can also be used for Life Coaching, and Facilitating Personality Development). 



The Storytelling Therapy Association of India (STAI) was founded in February 2020 by Dr Eric. 



The components of the Storytelling Therapy process we are developing are listed and described here.



Links to Storytelling Therapy -related writings by Dr Eric and others are here.


The transcript of a Storytelling Therapy workshop Dr Eric led in Shillong, Meghalaya is here.



Here are some recordings of talks by Dr Eric relating to Storytelling Therapy –



East West Center for Counselling and Training (Chennai).

Dr Eric spoke about "Using Storytelling to Improve Mental Health".  The recording is here.  (10 minutes) (10th Oct 2020,

World Mental Health Day)



Health O Mind (Bangalore)

Dr Eric was interviewed about Storytelling Therapy.  The recording is here.

(57 minutes) (17 Oct 2020)



Sydney Centre for Creative Change (Sydney),

Dr Eric gave an Introduction to Storytelling Therapy.  The recording is here.

(55 minutes – the talk begins at 3:55) (19 July 2021)



Thunai (Mumbai)

Dr Eric gave an Introduction to Storytelling Therapy.  The recording is here.

(1 hour, 35 minutes) (8th Oct 2022)



For additional info regarding the above,

please contact,


Dr Eric Miller

(based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

(PhD in Folklore, MSc in Psychology)


India mobile:  98403 94282

Email:  eric@storytellinginstitute.org

Director, World Storytelling Institute,


Personal website,

Assistant Director,
East West Center for Counselling and Training,
and Indian Institute of Psychodrama,



